

You will have …

Experts/Mentors Advice

Access to numerous subjects/advice with in-depth explanations of startup issues and comprehensive solutions

Access to Mentors

See profiles of mentors with contact info to connect for additional assistance

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

Access to all paid members profiles with contact info to collaborate and help each other

Investor Pitch Review

Paid members can send Investor Pitch Deck for review by a mentor and receive report with advice to attracting investors’ interest.  *Special low price*

Full access to the tutorials and advice provided by the Mentors
Full access to the profiles and contact information of the mentors
Full access to the profiles and contact information of all paid members for the purpose of peer-to-peer mentoring and networking between paid members.
Have your Pitch Deck Review and Receive a written report with detailed advice and edits for improvements to attract professional investors. Special low price for Paid Members.

Join Startup-Mentors Now!